#StayHome. But what if you don't have a home?
Over 50.000 homeless in Belgium face this reality. And the COVID-19 crisis hasn’t made it any easier for them.
Over 50.000 homeless in Belgium face this reality. And the COVID-19 crisis hasn’t made it any easier for them.
That's why Design agency WeWantMore asked creatives to address this issue in an artwork fit for a backdrop. These backdrops are abled to be downloaded and a voluntarily donation can be made to support L’Ilot, a charity for the homeless. Discover more zoom backdrops here.

Using two sparrows, my entry played on the dutch expression huismus, which means domestic sparrow or somebody that likes staying at home. I wanted to explore the weird tension of the situation we are put in due to the corona crisis. On the left people who have a home and are forced to stay in during quarantine, but wanting to get out. And on the right people that have no home and are looking for a way in to stay safe.
The backdrop is a subtle looping video. So it's not too distracting during a zoom meeting.

Go explore other backdrops, download, donate or contribute an own backdrop here.